Breaking a Habit
I’ve always had a weird habit of biting the inside of my mouth open, including my tongue. This habit carried on from childhood into my adulthood and I am worried for the tissues in my mouth, because I bite very deep some days. With trying to break this habit I have to learn to be conscious of my biting habits, or find something else to chew on for a bit.

Thursday, September 10th
My mouth was currently healing from a bad episode of mouth chewing. This included corners of my mouth, upper lip, lower lip, top of tongue and the sides. But I did not re-open any of the current wounds.

Friday, September 11th
Mouth is healing up fine, I’ve been snacking a lot to avoid biting my mouth open again. Streamed all day again, going to sleep.

Saturday, September 12th
Today I successfully distracted myself with a 12 hour twitch stream where I had to commentate the whole time, so no time to bite! And also more snacking so I wouldn’t bite my mouth.

Sunday, September 13th
I bit open the corners of my mouth again and the right side of my lower lip, but my tongue has not been bit. I didn’t bite too far at first but then I proceeded to keep biting at the right side of my mouth, which is my “favourite” area. I’m also starting to believe my habit may be a deeper rooted problem and not just a small bad habit. My tongue barely has any feeling near the tip due to how badly I used to bite it.

Monday, September 14th
I bit open the left side of my lip, tongue is still un-touched, which is good. I’m going to sleep all day.

Tuesday, September 15th
My mouth is healing up, I bit some parts when I was sleeping, but I resisted the urge to bite open any of the current wounds, however, my mouth is not healing properly anymore. It hasn’t been healing right for a long time now, instead it now heals as tough smooth skin, more than likely scars. I have probably damaged much of my mouth tissue under the skin and my jaw has been messed up due to how I move it to bite certain areas. I am having trouble with this, more than I thought.

My Mouth Chewing Habit